To the Great Class of ’72:
Early September 1968 - a new class of “Frosh” are leaving their neighborhoods to begin their education at “The Prep.” Indeed, we took the “2” bus, the El and “15” trolley, Broad Street subway, New Jersey high speed line or were fortunate to get a ride from a parent, an older Prep brother or upperclassman; a few of us even walked to school. It’s ironic that today the world talks so much about “diversity,” yet our diversity journey actually began in 1968 when we timidly left our neighborhoods to become part of the Prep melting pot. We remember walking into our new homerooms eyeing each other up. Little did we know then that some of our future best friends were seated among us.
Perhaps you remember a few rules of that “old” Prep building, such as don’t walk up the “down” staircase (to the third floor for a biology lab) even if you are late and want to avoid Jug. Rest assured Fr. McGinty will appear like an apparition at the top of those stairs, look at you with those steely eyes, cause you to retreat and, of course, be late and get Jug anyway. We remember the first time we walked into the Gesu to attend Mass, and were overwhelmed by the beauty and splendor that remains to this day. We were educated by incredibly smart Jesuit priests and scholastics and so many other dedicated educators and administrators, coaches, and counselors that are too many to name. They all cared for us and about us, and we thank all of them for what they gave to us: a Prep education! Over our four years we learned about the City of Philadelphia and its many neighborhoods – our neighborhoods. We met each other’s families and were able to explore new cultures and ethnicities. Yet we were all young Men of the Prep.
After 50 years we all have a very special opportunity to gather together again as classmates and share all of our wonderful memories, to laugh again like teenagers, to remember the lives of our classmates that have gone before us and the many gifts that they gave to us, and to reflect on how 50 years goes by in a blink of the eye. The Prep and your Reunion Committee have planned a great three days of activities, including a Saturday evening dinner at the Prep with spouses and significant others. We really want you to join with us for this celebration and rekindle those many moments that are now wonderful memories.
We were all blessed with a unique and very special gift – to be graduates of St. Joseph’s Prep!