Upon successful completion, summer enrichment classes taken at the Prep satisfy graduation requirements, appear on a student’s final transcript, and count towards the cumulative GPA.
Program Cost, Dates, and Times
The ½ credit courses cost $900 each. The dates for each course are listed below.
The full-credit classes run from 6/17 to 7/26 and cost $1800.
No classes will be held on 6/19, 7/4, or 7/5 in observance of Juneteenth and Independence Day.
All courses begin promptly at 9:00 AM and finish at 2:00 PM. Each day, there is a lunch break and one or two shorter stretch breaks.
In the summer, a student may take one half-credit course, two half-credit courses, or one full-credit course. No student may take more than one credit in the summer.
Students who must remediate a failed course from the 2023-24 school year are not eligible to take a summer enrichment course.
All classes are offered in person, on campus at the Prep. Remote options are not available.
The offering of each summer course is contingent upon enrollment. If a course is canceled due to insufficient enrollment, enrolled students will be notified during the second week of May, and payment will be credited toward regular tuition.
Enrollment Deadline: Friday, May 10
Any course with insufficient enrollment will be canceled. Following that date, late registration may be permitted if space is available. No student may enroll after Wednesday, June 12.
If a student chooses to withdraw from a summer program between May 10 and June 14, the Prep will refund half the tuition (by applying it to future tuition payments). As of June 15, there will be no refund for withdrawal or dismissal from the program.
Enrollment in a class does not guarantee the awarding of credits. In order to earn the corresponding credit, a student must successfully complete all assignments and assessments. Academic dishonesty, disciplinary issues, failure to complete assignments, poor academic performance, excessive absence, lateness, or early departure could result in a student’s removal from the course without the awarding of credit or reimbursement of tuition. If a student fails a summer enrichment class, he must remediate the class in the subsequent school year. There is no refund if a student fails the course.